Well it took some time to really get started on the boat, but we seam to be on the move now. As you can see we have three quarters of the framing jig up and have the transom and ten ribs in place. Were hopeing to start on the next ribs today we are waiting on UPS to deliver our expoy so we can glue them and we will be ready to set them in place. After starting this project it is not as easy as it looks, there is a lot of checking and rechecking because a quarter of an inch will make a lot of deference when you start put the plywood on. I hope the weather holds out for this weekend and maybe I will have all the ribs in place. Already have the keel and the stem. Well if the exopy does not come today we will be notching the ribs that are already up for the keel and the chine logs.Well I guess that's all for now. Until next time have a great day.
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